Systane Ultra Eye Drops 10 ml

99% recommends
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Properties - Systane Ultra Eye Drops 10 ml

Manufacturer: Alcon
Volume: 10 ml
Usability after opening: 6 months
Preservatives: Yes
Can be used with contact lenses: Yes
Medical Device: Yes


174 of our customers recommend this product reviews are not verified

Comments (3)

Do you have any questions
Peter Morgan

can you get this product on prescription please


Hi, Peter, These eye drops are for all eyes and do not require a prescription. However, we encourage you to consult with an optician to determine what brand might be the best for you.

Thanks, Alensa


What dose should be used


Hi, Francis, One drop should be enough, but always consult with an optician!

Thanks, Alensa

Nicholas Smith

Was supplied from an Eastern European country with all instructions in a non English language - although the package did say manufacturer by Alcon Laborartories with a UK address. Manufacturing date was 12 months ago, although expiry is given as 2/2017. I will not be buying again.